Friday, June 6, 2008

Talent Show

Every year the High School puts together a talent show and I end up doing the hair and make-up for the night!! It is so much fun and the Children are great!! This year one of the students performed to Sweeney Todd I think he did a much better job than Johnny Depp but who is counting!! He was awesome though and I got to do his make-up and hair... I even colored his little white strip!!!
Since these pictures are from his Mom's camera there are a lot pictures of him... but this girl did a performance of a 50's styled women you can't see her hair very well and her make-up got a little messed up because this was at the end of the performances and we had to clean up. But she looked really good, but it does help that she is really pretty to begin with.
Justin did such a good job and he was so good at making you believe he was the character he didn't step out of character for one second... this was intermition and he was still going around trying to kill people and asking them for a shave!! So Funny!!!

The girl in this photo was Justin's sining partner she has such funky hair but it was so much fun putting it up!! She looked so good... she ended up keeping in for Prom the next day!! I did about 20 students hair and make-up!! I love doing it and the students really enjoy it!!
This was from last years talent show Justin had been the guy Jack from The nightmare before Christmas!! He always has such fun roles that require a lot of make-up work and coloring of the hair but this picture was taken at the end end of the performance at his home so it looks a little faded!! It was so much fun... it pays to be best friends with the drama teacher!!

1 comment:

leslie jo said...

You are soo talented. Thanks for keep me updated on your life. I am grateful for Josh serving for us and all the others. We will keep him in our prayers. Keep us posted and don't go insane with him gone, I would.