Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Roma Italy style

Sorry this is at the very beginning but it will have to stay so you can see it!!! Where in Rome!!! Tina looks extra sexy in the picture and no it isn't because of her Fanny pack!!!!
This begins our trip in Rome or as the Italians call it ROMA!!! I wanted to help the flight attendants perform a great safety procedure show so I assisted in showing how to apply the face mask in case of an emergency... Just kidding it was 6 in the morning and I was really tired I have no clue what made me want to do this... Poor Josh had to stay behind and work his Lovely job!!! He was very much missed very much missed!!!!
Day one of our trip we arrived at the airport and me being the forgetful type I Forgot the papers where we were staying but the airport had an assistant counter that had the list of all the hotels!!! They knew what hotel I was talking about... we were looking on the bright side of things and thinking that they thought this was the best place in Rome to stay but I think it was maybe not the best place to stay because the rooms were so small... but lucky for us we had our own bathroom!!! Most European Hotels you have to share!!! Speaking of sharing... I had to share the little bed with Ashley... at one point in the night the mattress was pushed over and I was sleeping on the hard bed. It felt like my ribs were going to break. Needless to say they were very sore at the end of the night. Thank goodness I got up and fixed it... but unfortunately we ended up staying up till one in the morning!!! But it was a good time Thanks Ashley for having a good chat!!!

This our room!! Yes it was that small!!! I don't know how this hotel was well known!!!

I just wanted to show you this big hill... Rome had a lot of big hills.. my butt at the end of the trip was very sore!!! At one point Tina dared me to run to the top of it because it was hurting my knee's more just to walk up the hill so I decided to run... The Little Italian men came out of their Shops to watch me run and say things to me while I ran up the hill!!!

Since I am so awesome at directions I was in charge of getting us around Rome!!! But at this point you see me with this Italian man I had to stop and ask him what Road I needed because we came to a Round about that had 7 roads branching off of it!!! This guy was more than happy to help me get directions... He even gave me a kiss!!! It was so funny so we had to take a picture and Ashley joined in... He was my first kiss in Italy!!!!
In Rome they have the most beautiful Alley's ever beside that smell of urine from all the men that don't use the restroom in the toilet they think it is okay to use the restroom outside... like dogs!!!! As you see here to your left (Tour guide Ang) The beautiful Alley way... Or course I had to get on a scooter... the scooter in Italy is like the number one form of transportation!!! In the city of Rome they don't have marked roads so everyone is driving around crazy... Those little scooters can cut through traffic... it of course scares you to death but none the less it is fun to watch.. If you really want to you can take a guided tour of Rome on a Scooter!! I hate to know how much that costs!!!!
At this point
I was so sick of seeing urine everywhere and seeing our first man actually peeing on the street, Me being the innocent I thought it was a pipe that broke but my friends had to point out to me that it actually was a man peeing... I decided hey I am going to pretend to pee!!!
We made it to the Coliseum I am so awesome!!! My navigation skills... I only had to ask for directions once, hence the picture with the man!
I had to have this here to remind me that Italian men are so DISGUSTING!!! It was like I was getting raped outside of the Coliseum by some guy dressed up like a Roman!!! Never ever will I go back to Rome without Josh every, ever, ever, ever, ever again!!! He was the second guy that kissed me on the trip and I was so upset... I am trying to get away from him but he wouldn't let me go!!!! SICK!!

On a lighter note... this is a gas station in Rome!!! It is right on a busy street!! I thought it was so cool I had to take a picture of it!!!

These pictures are what I thought Rome looked like and they do if you got to the Palatino or Rome Forum!!! It of course does not go for the rest of the city... It was so Beautiful!!! I really enjoyed this part of Rome A LOT!!! It was so Beautiful and peaceful!! It was like another world!! Unlike the Coliseum that is right in the busy part of Rome!!

Now after we were enjoying the Beautiful Palatino we decided to go Shopping, they have street vendors that are aloud to sell you knock-offs!! I was so excited to go but on our way we see this street full of people carrying flags and blowing whistles(like police whistles)... Hence they were blowing these whistles at people when they walked by... so me being nosey we stopped and asked someone what was going on... They told us it was a protest...We don't know if it was for the police or against it... but they were sure willing to let us join in on the fun!! It was great!! It was the best part of the trip!! So we were in an Italian Protest in Italy!!! GO PROTEST!!! How many people can say they were in a protest in Italy??? It was so funny we were laughing our heads off and the guys that asked us to join them seemed to not be able to speak English but they learn it in school from the very beginning so might have been lied to... but hey it was so much fun!!!

Look at those Knockers!!!

Thus ends our trip... when getting back to England we decided to take a trip to the restroom and use it before we had to drive home... Well in the restroom they had these cool hand driers that blew so hard they moved skin... so we had the bright idea of me putting my mouth under it... I am sorry that this picture of me is really bad and ugly and looks like I have huge freckles on my face and dirt that was caked on me thanks to Rome... but it was so funny and the British were staring at us like stupid Americans!!!! Love it!!!


Krissy said...

hey - cute pictures! i especially love the one with you and the hand-dryer! AWESOME - i still chuckle about it! good times ... can't wait until our next adventure! woo hoo!

Unknown said...

Wow! Really great pictures Ang! I want to go on some adventures!